Discovery! Help Raise Shark Awareness!
personal campaign to raise shark awareness began when the entire
community of hundreds of sharks that I was studying, as animals and
individuals, were finned for shark fin soup, and when I tried to get
help in protecting them, I came up against the Shark Week mentality,
the mentality that declares that sharks should be slaughtered to
sharks had turned out to be the most interesting and intelligent
animals I had ever studied, so different from the way they are shown
on Shark Week and other media extravaganzas, that it was hard to
believe that they were the same animals I knew so well—sharks are
simply not the dangerously stupid automatons that popular media will
have us believe—they are not low, cold, and murderous monsters.
are ordinary animals, thinking about the events in their lives and
responding intelligently. By their actions, sharks reveal that they
are self-aware, form companionships, make swift decisions depending
on the circumstances, and can plan to influence an event in the
future. They enjoy socializing, communicate through posturing and
gestures, and are capable of influencing each other. They can become
highly emotional, yet are peaceful among themselves. Unlike many
other animals, including humans, they do not fight!
because of the way they have been presented in the media for so many
decades, fish and sharks are treated worse than any other animals,
though they suffer just as much, and the bias against them is not
even recognized. If you are caught fighting dogs or chickens in
Florida, you are guilty of a felony, but it is perfectly legal to
brutalize sharks—fighting sharks is considered a prime
Due to
the hatred raised against them by such shows, sharks and fish have
not been protected by law from brutality, as other animals have. Yet
they suffer just as much. They way sharks have been presented in the
media has been lethally harmful to them.
continuous diet of shark horror shows that is served up has raised a
barrier to their protection, and allowed them to be brutally
slaughtered by "monster hunters" with no public outcry of
protest. People really believe that sharks behave the way they are
presented on television, but they do not.
That is
why I have followed up the many articles I have written about them
with a book describing The True Nature of Sharks, and as part of this
campaign, I invite Discovery to join us, and begin to show the
viewers of Shark Week what sharks are really like.
join me in working on raising shark awareness, firstly by telling
others about the problem, and sharing information with your social
network, and secondly by denouncing the monster image whenever it
comes up in discussions on the Internet, and tell others the truth
about sharks.
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