
Showing posts from August, 2012

Shark Week -- Profits in Blood

Since 1987, Discovery Channel, owned by Discovery Communications, has presented ' Shark Week ' each summer. The week long series of shows promotes these endangered marine animals as man eating monsters, facilitating their mass slaughter with almost no public sympathy, nor protest. The company has so effectively convinced their millions of viewers that sharks deserve to be hated, that many people think that sharks should be hunted to extinction. The company has created a wave of fear of the sea, in people who grew up watching Shark Week . Discovery executives know exactly what they are doing, and call it 'shark pornography,' while they rake in billions of dollars. They excuse themselves by claiming they are only giving the public what it wants, but the public's love of horror shows has nothing to do with Discovery's responsibility for having made sharks the subject of that horror. Through their dishonest use of sharks for profit in horror shows, ...